Show 56: Social Media that is Hazardous to your Health

Cover of the book Hazardous to your social media health
What social media should you STOP doing?

David Spark of Spark Media Solutions  got tired of being told, by people he didn’t know, what MORE he should be doing in social media so decided to ask some of the smartest people in the business that he knows and admires what we should STOP doing.

The result is an entertaining “how-not-to” social media guide that left me wondering how some of these things were ever thought to be acceptable in the first place. (Any why so many social media marketing agencies use and recommend them). He even discusses a specific social media campaign for using compression socks to move somewhere with better healthcare.

In an unashamed rant David talks us through some of the items that are no longer acceptable to do on social media.


You can get the ebook FREE here and follow David on Twitter @dspark

These are my favourites:

  • Stop begging for RTs, follows and likes. If your content is good it will be shared.
  • Stop tagging influencers just to get their attention.
  • Stop trying to use social without being social. It is not OK to just broadcast.  It is not OK to simply advertise and call it “social media.”
  • Stop allowing bots to control your twitter account. Automating ANYTHING is not acceptable.
  • Stop the excessive hashtags.
  • Stop using dashboards to cross post.
  • Stop pitching to people you don’t know and build a relationship first.
  • Stop building Facebook apps and spending time developing your page. No-body sees it.
  • Stop talking about social media. It’s not an isolated thing
  • Stop following everyone who follows you.
  • Stop including EVERYONE in your replies

What are yours?